Warehouse Market

Welcome to the Warehouse Market, a collaboration between Abundant Acres Farm, and Holdanca Farms.
Located at
2867 Isleville St. in North End Halifax and Open Weds to Fri: 11-6 and Sat 9-4.
We also have invited Fill Yer Boots Farm, Nature's Route Farm, Loewen's Farm, Zoë's Kimchi, Gold Island Bakery, Maritime Gourmet Mushrooms, Afishionado Fishmonger, Ciro's cheese, Blue Hill Cheese, Knoydart Farm, Big Spruce Brewery, Ratinaud, Ran-Cher Acres, Vendiene Bakery, Art of Slow Food, and Elmridge Farm to take part.
Working together we offer some of the best locally grown and organic foods available in the city!
Phone: 902-403-1178
email: warehousemarket2867@gmail.com